Grant Guidelines


…human life has no boundries provided it recognizes the wonderful and beautiful potentialities of the individual human being.

Alden B. Dow

Grant Application Format

Click on the link below to download the Grant Application Format and Cover Sheet in a Microsoft Word Document:

Please provide the following information in the listed order, using the same headings, subheadings and numbers.

A. Grant Application Cover Sheet

  1. Please complete the Grant Application Cover Sheet that is attached to this Grant Application. Your application cannot be processed without the completed cover sheet.


B. Executive Summary – Narrative

  1. This should be no more than a one-page executive summary. Explain why your agency is requesting this grant, what outcomes you hope to achieve how you will spend the funds if the grant is made.


C. Agency Information

  1. Prepare a brief summary of agency history including the number of years in operation and major accomplishments in the last three years.
  2. Describe your current programs and list any recent significant expansion and/or cutbacks.
  3. Provide a summary of your organization’s staffing, including tenure and turnover statistics.
  4. List and describe how board members are involved in your organization: percentage of board members attending meetings, percentage of board members providing financial support, fund raising, strategic planning, program development and evaluation.
  5. Explain how volunteers are recruited and included in the work of your organization. Provide a summary of the number of volunteers involved and turnover within the volunteer group.


D. Purpose of the Grant

  1. Describe the need to be addressed by the Proposed Project/Program.
  2. Target Population
    • Please describe the population the project/program will benefit. Include information on socio-economic status, location, gender, ethnicity, age, physical abilities and/or other descriptions, as appropriate.
    • Describe any selection, admission or eligibility criteria for entering your program.
  3. Program and Evaluation
    • Describe each of your project/program goals, together with related objectives, activities, target group, expected progress, time frame, and assigned staff person.
    • Provide a brief description of how you expect the proposed activities will benefit the participating individuals and/or the community.
    • Describe your plan for evaluating your success in achieving each of your project/program goals, including type of data to be collected, collection dates, persons responsible, and feedback mechanisms.


E. Collaborations for Proposed Project/Program

  1. Describe active involvement, if any, of the constituents in defining problems to be addressed, making policy and/or planning the project/program.
  2. Describe the nature of project/program collaborations, if any, with other organizations and projected impact on project/program goals.
  3. Summarize the amount of grant funds to be paid to collaboration partners.


F. Mission Information

  1. List your agency’s mission statement.


G. Project/Program Budget: General Instructions

  1. The project/program budget should reflect each year of anticipated support from all sources including The Alden and Vada Dow Family Foundations. If your application is for general operating support, the project/program budget should be your total organizational budget.
  2. A budget narrative should accompany the project/program budget.
  3. Please indicate priority items in the proposed grant budget, in the event we are unable to meet your full request.


H. Required Attachments – Proposal will not be processed      without these!

  1. A copy of the current IRS determination letter indicating 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status must accompany the proposal.
  2. Finances:
    • Organization’s current annual operating budget, including expenses and revenue.  Please show comparison of current annual budget to previous year’s actual expenses.
    • Copy of the project/program budget for which you are seeking funding.
    • The two most recent audited financial statements with auditor’s report. Please explain any significant changes in fund balances.
    • Copy of the two most recent complete IRS 990 forms.
  3. List of amounts requested and/or received from foundations, corporations and other funding sources to which this proposal has been submitted. Please note if the amounts requested are pending, received, pledged or declined.
  4. If your agency or the program that you are requesting funds has an endowment fund, please state the value of the endowment and the spending policy.


I. Requested Attachments

  1. Letters of support from collaborating partners. If applicable, collaborating partners should clearly indicate their level of involvement/commitment to project/program.
  2. Annual Report and Strategic Plan, if available.


If you have questions please address your correspondence to:

Daria Potts, Grants Coordinator
Alden and Vada Dow Family Foundations
315 Post Street
Midland, MI 48640

Phone: (989) 839-2744
Fax: (989) 839-2611